by ES Moiseev, Arina Tashchilina, SA Moiseev, Barry C Sanders
Broadband quantum memory in a cavity via zero spectral dispersion,
ES Moiseev, Arina Tashchilina, SA Moiseev, Barry C Sanders,
New Journal of Physics, 23, 063071, 2021.
ES Moiseev, Arina Tashchilina, SA Moiseev, Barry C Sanders,
New Journal of Physics, 23, 063071, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{moiseev2021broadband, title={Broadband quantum memory in a cavity via zero spectral dispersion}, author={Moiseev, ES and Tashchilina, Arina and Moiseev, SA and Sanders, Barry C}, journal={New Journal of Physics}, volume={23}, number={6}, pages={063071}, year={2021}, url = {}, publisher={IOP Publishing} }