Photonic-crystal-fiber-coupled photoluminescence interrogation of nitrogen vacancies in diamond nanoparticles

by IV Fedotov, NA Safronov, Yu A Shandarov, A Yu Tashchilina, AB Fedotov, AP Nizovtsev, DI Pustakhod, VN Chizevski, TV Matveeva, K Sakoda, others
Photonic-crystal-fiber-coupled photoluminescence interrogation of nitrogen vacancies in diamond nanoparticles,
IV Fedotov, NA Safronov, Yu A Shandarov, A Yu Tashchilina, AB Fedotov, AP Nizovtsev, DI Pustakhod, VN Chizevski, TV Matveeva, K Sakoda, others,
Laser Physics Letters, 9, 151, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Photonic-crystal-fiber-coupled photoluminescence interrogation of nitrogen vacancies in diamond nanoparticles},
  author={Fedotov, IV and Safronov, NA and Shandarov, Yu A and Tashchilina, A Yu and Fedotov, AB and Nizovtsev, AP and Pustakhod, DI and Chizevski, VN and Matveeva, TV and Sakoda, K and others},
  journal={Laser Physics Letters},
  publisher={IOP Publishing}