Univ. Prof. Dr. Francesca Ferlaino

  • Professor, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
  • Research Director, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), Innsbruck, Austria


Download CV 2025 (extended): CV_FF

FF’s Short Profile

Francesca Ferlaino is born on 23th December 1977 in Napoli, Italy. There, she studied physics at the University of Federico II and received her master degree in 2000 for a theoretical work on Bose-Einstein condensates, jointly conducted in Naples and at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste.

As PhD student, she then re-directed her research interest towards experimental physics and started her PhD  study at the University of Florence and at the European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS) in Florence under the supervision of Prof. M. Inguscio. At LENS, Francesca was involved in the first realization of quantum gases mixture of different alkali atomic species. After  receiving her PhD degree in 2004, Francesca enjoyed to work at LENS for few years more as research associate.

In 2007, she moved to Austria first as a visiting scientist in the group of Prof. Grimm, then as postdoctoral Lise-Meitner fellow focusing on few-body and Efimov physics, and finally she received a full professorship in 2014. At the beginning, her stay in Innsbruck was just planned for 3 months. The 3 months became 6. The 6 months 1 year. 1 year easily doubled to 2 years, and the 2 years doubled again, and again :). In 2009, thanks to a START-Prize (FWF) and an ERC Starting Grant, Francesca could establish her independent research group. She funded the Dipolar Quantum Gas Group and started the so-called “ERBIUM” experiment, realizing the world-first  Bose-Einstein condensate of Er in 2012.

Since 2014, Francesca is Full Professor at the University of Innsbruck and Scientific Director at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW). During the last years, she was awardee of numerous prestigious prizes and distinctions, including the Feltrinelli prize, the Alexander-von-Humboldt Professorship, the Science Prize of the City of Innsbruck, the Ignaz L. Lieben Prize, and the Fritz-Kohlrausch Prize for experimental physics. In addition, she received the START Prize, one ERC-Starting, one ERC-Consolidator grant and one one ERC-Advanced grant.


Faculty Positions and Professional Experience

Since 2014               Professor of Physics (Full Professor – P98), University of Innsbruck, Austria
Since 2014               Scientific Director of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI-Innsbruck) of the Austrian Academy of Science

Since 2019              Elected Member of the Senate of the University of Innsbruck
2019-2022              Managing Director of the IQOQI
2013-2017               Director of the Innsbruck Physics Research Center
2009-2014              Tenure-Track Professorship (P99) for Atomic Physics, University of Innsbruck (2012-2014); Research and Teaching Associate (2009-2011)
05-07/2016             DIPC Visiting Fellowship, San Sebastian (Spain)
JILA Visiting Fellowship, University of Colorado, Boulder (US)
Bershadsky Distinguished Visiting Fellowship at Harvard University, Cambridge (US)
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (declined offer)
Guest Lecturer at the University of Wien, Austria
2007 – 2009
Lise-Meitner Postdoctoral Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
2006 – 2007
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Innsbruck (Austria)
2004 – 2006
Senior Scientist (Assegnista di ricerca), European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence (Italy)




Since 2014



Professor of Physics (Full Professor – P98), University of Innsbruck, Austria

Scientific Director of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI-Innsbruck) of the Austrian Academy of Science

Since 2019

Elected Member of the Senate of the University of Innsbruck


Managing Director of the IQOQI


Director of the Innsbruck Physics Research Center


Tenure-Track Professorship (P99) for Atomic Physics, University of Innsbruck (2012-2014); Research and Teaching Associate (2009-2011)


DIPC Visiting Fellowship, San Sebastian (Spain)


JILA Visiting Fellowship, University of Colorado, Boulder (US)


Bershadsky Distinguished Visiting Fellowship at Harvard University, Cambridge (US)


Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (declined offer)


Guest Lecturer at the University of Wien, Austria

2007 – 2009

Lise-Meitner Postdoctoral Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

2006 – 2007

Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

2004 – 2006

Senior Scientist (Assegnista di ricerca), European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence (Italy)



Since 2014



Professor of Physics (Full Professor – P98), University of Innsbruck, Austria

Scientific Director of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI-Innsbruck) of the Austrian Academy of Science

Since 2019

Elected Member of the Senate of the University of Innsbruck


Managing Director of the IQOQI


Director of the Innsbruck Physics Research Center


Tenure-Track Professorship (P99) for Atomic Physics, University of Innsbruck (2012-2014); Research and Teaching Associate (2009-2011)


DIPC Visiting Fellowship, San Sebastian (Spain)


JILA Visiting Fellowship, University of Colorado, Boulder (US)


Bershadsky Distinguished Visiting Fellowship at Harvard University, Cambridge (US)


Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (declined offer)


Guest Lecturer at the University of Wien, Austria

2007 – 2009

Lise-Meitner Postdoctoral Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

2006 – 2007

Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

2004 – 2006

Senior Scientist (Assegnista di ricerca), European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence (Italy)

FF’s Gallery

FF’s Er-Dy Publications

[17]Synchronization in rotating supersolids,
E. Poli, A. Litvinov, E. Casotti, C. Ulm, L. Klaus, M. J. Mark, Giacomo Lamporesi, T. Bland, F. Ferlaino,
arXiv:2412.11976 [cond-mat.quant-gas], 2024. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[16]Observation of vortices in a dipolar supersolid,
E. Casotti, E. Poli, L. Klaus, A. Litvinov, C. Ulm, C. Politi, M. J. Mark, T. Bland, F. Ferlaino,
Nature, 635, 327–331, 2024. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[15]A ship-in-a-bottle quantum gas microscope for magnetic mixtures,
M. Sohmen, M. J. Mark, M. Greiner, F. Ferlaino,
SciPost Phys., 15, 182, 2023. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[14]Vortices in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates,
T. Bland, G. Lamporesi, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
C. R. Phys, 2023. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[13]Heating a quantum dipolar fluid into a solid,
J. Sánchez-Baena, C. Politi, F. Maucher, F. Ferlaino, T. Pohl,
Nature Communications, 14, 1868, 2023. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[12]Observation of vortices and vortex stripes in a dipolar condensate,
L. Klaus, T. Bland, E. Poli, C. Politi, G. Lamporesi, E. Casotti, R. N. Bisset, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Nature Physics, 18, 1453–1458, 2022. [more] [pdf] [arXiv]
[11]Can angular oscillations probe superfluidity in dipolar supersolids?,
M. A. Norcia, E. Poli, C. Politi, L. Klaus, T. Bland, M. J. Mark, L. Santos, R. N. Bisset, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 040403, 2022. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[10]Two-Dimensional Supersolid Formation in Dipolar Condensates,
T. Bland, E. Poli, C. Politi, L. Klaus, M. A. Norcia, F. Ferlaino, L. Santos, R. N. Bisset,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 195302, 2022. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[9]Developments in atomic control using ultracold magnetic lanthanides,
M. A. Norcia, F. Ferlaino,
Nature Physics, 17, 1349, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[8]Two-dimensional supersolidity in a dipolar quantum gas,
M. A. Norcia, C. Politi, L. Klaus, E. Poli, M. Sohmen, M. J. Mark, R. Bisset, L. Santos, F. Ferlaino,
Nature, 596, 357-361, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[7]Birth, life, and death of a dipolar supersolid,
M. Sohmen, C. Politi, L. Klaus, L. Chomaz, M. J. Mark, M. A. Norcia, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 233401, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[6]Phase coherence in out-of-equilibrium supersolid states of ultracold dipolar atoms,
P. Ilzhöfer, M. Sohmen, G. Durastante, C. Politi, A. Trautmann, G. Natale, G. Morpurgo, T. Giamarchi, L. Chomaz, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Nature Physics, 17, 356-361, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[5]Feshbach Resonances in an Erbium-Dysprosium Dipolar Mixture,
G. Durastante, C. Politi, M. Sohmen, P. Ilzhöfer, M. J. Mark, M. A. Norcia, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. A, 102, 033330, 2020. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[4]Deep learning-assisted classification of site-resolved quantum gas microscope images,
L. R. B. Picard, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, R. van Bijnen,
Measurement Science and Technology, 31, 025201, 2019. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[3]Long-lived and transient supersolid behaviors in dipolar quantum gases,
L. Chomaz, D. Petter, P. Ilzhöfer, G. Natale, A. Trautmann, C. Politi, G. Durastante, R. M. W. van Bijnen, A. Patscheider, M. Sohmen, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. X, 9, 021012, 2019. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[2]Dipolar Quantum Mixtures of Erbium and Dysprosium Atoms,
A. Trautmann, P. Ilzhöfer, G. Durastante, C. Politi, M. Sohmen, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 213601, 2018. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[1]A two-species five-beam magneto-optical trap for highly magnetic Er and Dy atoms,
P. Ilzhöfer, G. Durastante, A. Patscheider, A. Trautmann, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. A, 97, 023633, 2018. [more] [pdf] [doi]

FF’s Erbium Publications

[28]Optical Manipulation of Spin States in Ultracold Magnetic Atoms via an Inner-Shell Hz Transition,
F. Claude, L. Lafforgue, J. J. A. Houwman, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Res., 6, L042016, 2024. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[27]Der Suprafestkörper,
F. Ferlaino, M. J. Mark,
Physik in unserer Zeit, 2024. [more] [pdf] [doi]
[26]Measurement of the Excitation Spectrum of a Dipolar Gas in the Macrodroplet Regime,
J. J. A. Houwman, D. Baillie, P. B. Blakie, G. Natale, F. Ferlaino, M. J. Mark,
Physical Review Letters, 132, 2024. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[25]Bloch oscillations and matter-wave localization of a dipolar quantum gas in a one-dimensional lattice,
G. Natale, T. Bland, S. Gschwendtner, L. Lafforgue, D. S. Grün, A. Patscheider, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Commun. Phys., 5, 227, 2022. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[24]Determination of the scattering length of erbium atoms,
A. Patscheider, L. Chomaz, G. Natale, D. Petter, M. J. Mark, S. Baier, B. Yang, R. R. W. Wang, J. L. Bohn, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. A, 105, 063307, 2022. [more] [pdf] [doi]
[23]Developments in atomic control using ultracold magnetic lanthanides,
M. A. Norcia, F. Ferlaino,
Nature Physics, 17, 1349, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[22]Observation of a narrow inner-shell orbital transition in atomic erbium at 1299 nm,
A. Patscheider, B. Yang, G. Natale, D. Petter, L. Chomaz, M. J. Mark, G. Hovhannesyan, M. Lepers, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Research, 3, 033256, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[21]Bragg scattering of an ultracold dipolar gas across the phase transition from Bose-Einstein condensate to supersolid in the free-particle regime,
D. Petter, A. Patscheider, G. Natale, M. J. Mark, M. A. Baranov, R. v. Bijnen, S. M. Roccuzzo, A. Recati, B. Blakie, D. Baillie, L. Chomaz, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. A, 104, L011302, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[20]Supersolidity in an elongated dipolar condensate,
P. B. Blakie, D. Baillie, L. Chomaz, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 043318, 2020. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[19]Controlling dipolar exchange interactions in a dense three-dimensional array of large-spin fermions,
A. Patscheider, B. Zhu, L. Chomaz, D. Petter, S. Baier, A.-M.Rey, F. Ferlaino, M. J. Mark,
Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 023050, 2020. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[18]Excitation spectrum of a trapped dipolar supersolid and its experimental evidence,
G. Natale, R. M. W. van Bijnen, A. Patscheider, D. Petter, M. J. Mark, L. Chomaz, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 050402, 2019. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[17]Probing the roton excitation spectrum of a stable dipolar Bose gas,
D. Petter, G. Natale, R. M. W. van Bijnen, A. Patscheider, M. J. Mark, L. Chomaz, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 183401, 2019. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[16]Long-lived and transient supersolid behaviors in dipolar quantum gases,
L. Chomaz, D. Petter, P. Ilzhöfer, G. Natale, A. Trautmann, C. Politi, G. Durastante, R. M. W. van Bijnen, A. Patscheider, M. Sohmen, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. X, 9, 021012, 2019. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[15]Realization of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas of Dipolar Atoms,
S. Baier, D. Petter, J. H. Becher, A. Patscheider, G. Natale, L. Chomaz, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 093602, 2018. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[14]Ground state of an ultracold Fermi gas of tilted dipoles in elongated traps,
V. Veljić, A. R. P. Lima, L. Chomaz, S. Baier, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, A. Pelster, A. Balaž,
New Journal of Physics, 20, 093016, 2018. [more] [pdf] [doi]
[13]Observation of roton mode population in a dipolar quantum gas,
L. Chomaz, R. M. W. van Bijnen, D. Petter, G. Faraoni, S. Baier, J. H. Becher, M. J. Mark, F. Waechtler, L. Santos, F. Ferlaino,
Nature Physics, 14, 442-446, 2018. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[12]Anisotropic polarizability of erbium atoms,
J. H. Becher, S. Baier, K. Aikawa, M. Lepers, J.-F. Wyart, O. Dulieu, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. A, 97, 012509, 2018. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[11]Quantum-fluctuation-driven crossover from a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate to a macro-droplet in a dipolar quantum fluid,
L. Chomaz, S. Baier, D. Petter, M. J. Mark, F. Wächtler, L. Santos, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. X, 6, 041039, 2016. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[10]Extended Bose-Hubbard models with ultracold magnetic atoms,
S. Baier, M. J. Mark, D. Petter, K. Aikawa, L. Chomaz, Z. Cai, M. Baranov, P. Zoller, F. Ferlaino,
Science, 352, 201-205, 2016. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[9]Emergence of Chaotic Scattering in Ultracold Er and Dy,
T. Maier, H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, A. Frisch, S. Baier, K. Aikawa, L. Chomaz, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, C. Makrides, E. Tiesinga, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova,
Phys. Rev. X, 5, 041029, 2015. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[8]Ultracold Dipolar Molecules Composed of Strongly Magnetic Atoms,
A. Frisch, M. Mark, K. Aikawa., S. Baier., R. Grimm, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, G. Quéméner, M. Lepers, O. Dulieu, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 203201, 2015. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[7]Anisotropic Relaxation Dynamics in a Dipolar Fermi Gas Driven Out of Equilibrium,
K. Aikawa, A. Frisch, M. Mark, S. Baier, R. Grimm, J. L. Bohn, D. S. Jin, G. M.Bruun, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 263201, 2014. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[6]Observation of Fermi surface deformation in a dipolar quantum gas,
K. Aikawa, S. Baier, A. Frisch, M. Mark, C. Ravensbergen, F. Ferlaino,
Science, 345, 1484-1487, 2014. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[5]Quantum chaos in ultracold collisions of gas-phase erbium atoms,
A. Frisch, M. Mark, K. Aikawa, F. Ferlaino, J. L. Bohn, C. Makrides, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova,
Nature, 507, 475-479, 2014. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[4]Reaching Fermi Degeneracy via Universal Dipolar Scattering,
K. Aikawa, A. Frisch., M. Mark, S. Baier, R. Grimm, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 010404, 2014. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[3]Hyperfine structure of laser-cooling transitions in fermionic erbium-167,
A. Frisch, K. Aikawa, M. Mark, F. Ferlaino, E. Berseneva, S. Kotochigova,
Phys. Rev. A, 88, 032508, 2013. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[2]Bose-Einstein Condensation of Erbium,
K. Aikawa, A. Frisch, M. Mark, S. Baier, A. Rietzler, R. Grimm, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 210401, 2012. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[1]Narrow-line magneto-optical trap for erbium,
A. Frisch, K. Aikawa, M. Mark, A. Rietzler, L. Schindler, E. Zupanič, R. Grimm, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. A, 85, 051401, 2012. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]

FF’s T-Reqs Publications

[3]Optical Tweezer Arrays of Erbium Atoms,
D. S. Grun, S. J. M. White, A. Ortu, A. Di Carli, H. Edri, M. Lepers, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 133, 223402, 2024. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[2]Developments in atomic control using ultracold magnetic lanthanides,
M. A. Norcia, F. Ferlaino,
Nature Physics, 17, 1349, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[1]Spectroscopy of Rydberg States in Erbium using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,
A. Trautmann, M. J. Mark, P. Ilzhöfer, H. Edri, A. E. Arrach, J. G. Maloberti, C. H. Greene, F. Robicheaux, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Research, 3, 033165, 2021. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]

FF’s Other Publications

[41]Stabilization of Hubbard-Thouless pumps through nonlocal fermionic repulsion,
Javier Argüello-Luengo, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, Maciej Lewenstein, Luca Barbiero, Sergi Julià-Farré,
Quantum, 8, 1285, 2024. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[40]Dipolar quantum solids emerging in a Hubbard quantum simulator,
L. Su, A. Douglas, M. Szurek, R. Groth, S. F. Ozturk, A. Krahn, A. H. Hebert, G. A. Phelps, S. Ebadi, S. Dickerson, F. Ferlaino, O. Markovic, M. Greiner,
Nature, 622, 724-729, 2023. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[39]Compressibility and speeds of sound across the superfluid to supersolid phase transition of an elongated dipolar gas,
P. B. Blakie, L. Chomaz, D. Baillie, F. Ferlaino,
Phys. Rev. Research, 5, 033161, 2023. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[38]Stabilization of Hubbard-Thouless pumps through nonlocal fermionic repulsion,
J. Argüello-Luengo, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, M. Lewenstein, L. Barbiero, S. Julià-Farré,
arXiv:2308.13375, 2023. [more] [pdf] [arXiv]
[37]Revealing the topological nature of the bond order wave in a strongly correlated quantum system,
S. Julià-Farré, D. González-Cuadra, A. Patscheider, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, M. Lewenstein, L. Barbiero, A. Dauphin,
Phys. Rev. Research, 4, L032005, 2022. [more] [pdf] [arXiv]
[36]Ultracold Dense Samples of Dipolar RbCs Molecules in the Rovibrational and Hyperfine Ground State,
T. Takekoshi, L. Reichsöllner, A. Schindewolf, J. M. Hutson, C. R. Le Sueur, O. Dulieu, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, H.-C. Nägerl,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 205301, 2014. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[35]Resonant atom-dimer collisions in cesium: Testing universality at positive scattering lengths,
A. Zenesini, B. Huang, M. Berninger, H.-C. Nägerl, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm,
Phys. Rev. A, 90, 022704, 2014. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[34]Resonant five-body recombination in an ultracold gas of bosonic atoms,
A. Zenesini, B. Huang, M. Berninger, S. Besler, H.-C. Nägerl, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, C. H. Greene, J. von Stecher,
New Journal of Physics, 15, 043040, 2013. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[33]Feshbach resonances, weakly bound molecular states, and coupled-channel potentials for cesium at high magnetic fields,
M. Berninger, A. Zenesini, B. Huang, W. Harm, H.-C. Nägerl, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, P. S. Julienne, J. M. Hutson,
Phys. Rev. A, 87, 032517, 2013. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[32]Towards the production of ultracold ground-state RbCs molecules: Feshbach resonances, weakly bound states, and the coupled-channel model,
T. Takekoshi, M. Debatin, R. Rameshan, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, H.-C. Nägerl, C. R. Le Sueur, J. M. Hutson, P. S. Julienne, S. Kotochigova, E. Tiemann,
Phys. Rev. A, 85, 032506, 2012. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[31]Efimov Resonances in Ultracold Quantum Gases,
F. Ferlaino, A. Zenesini, M. Berninger, B. Huang, H.-C. Nägerl, R. Grimm,
Few-Body Systems, 51, 113-133, 2011. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[30]Production of a dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate of Rb and Cs atoms,
A.D. Lercher, T. Takekoshi, M. Debatin, B. Schuster, R. Rameshan, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, H.-C. Nägerl,
The European Physical Journal D, 65, 3-9, 2011. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[29]Universality of the Three-Body Parameter for Efimov States in Ultracold Cesium,
M. Berninger, A. Zenesini, B. Huang, W. Harm, H.-C. Nägerl, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, P. S. Julienne, J. M. Hutson,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 120401, 2011. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[28]Molecular spectroscopy for ground-state transfer of ultracold RbCs molecules,
M. Debatin, T. Takekoshi, R. Rameshan, L. Reichsöllner, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, R. Vexiau, N. Bouloufa, O. Dulieu, H.-C. Nägerl,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 18926-18935, 2011. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[27]Magnetically Controlled Exchange Process in an Ultracold Atom-Dimer Mixture,
S. Knoop, F. Ferlaino, M. Berninger, M. Mark, H.-C. Nägerl, R. Grimm, J. P. D'Incao, B. D. Esry,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 053201, 2010. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[26]Collisions of ultracold trapped cesium Feshbach molecules,
F. Ferlaino, S. Knoop, M. Berninger, M. Mark, H.-C. Nägerl, R. Grimm,
Laser Physics, 20, 23-31, 2010. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[25]Observation of an Efimov resonance in an ultracold mixture of atoms and weakly bound dimers,
S. Knoop, F. Ferlaino, M. Berninger, M. Mark, H.-C. Nägerl, R. Grimm,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 194, 012064, 2009. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[24]Ultracold Feshbach Molecules,
F. Ferlaino, S. Knoop, R. Grimm,
Cold Molecules Theory, Experiment, Applications Chapter 9: Ultracold Feshbach Molecules, 2009. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[23]Evidence for Universal Four-Body States Tied to an Efimov Trimer,
F. Ferlaino, S. Knoop, M. Berninger, W. Harm, J. P. D'Incao, H.-C. Nägerl, R. Grimm,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 140401, 2009. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[22]Observation of interspecies Feshbach resonances in an ultracold Rb-Cs mixture,
K. Pilch, A. D. Lange, A. Prantner, G. Kerner, F. Ferlaino, H.-C. Nägerl, R. Grimm,
Phys. Rev. A, 79, 042718, 2009. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[21]Observation of an Efimov-like trimer resonance in ultracold atom–dimer scattering,
S. Knoop, F. Ferlaino, M. Mark, M. Berninger, H. Schöbel, H.-C. Nägerl, R. Grimm,
Nature Physics, 5, 227-230, 2009. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]
[20]Determination of atomic scattering lengths from measurements of molecular binding energies near Feshbach resonances,
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[19]Collisions between Tunable Halo Dimers: Exploring an Elementary Four-Body Process with Identical Bosons,
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[18]Metastable Feshbach Molecules in High Rotational States,
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[17]Spectroscopy of ultracold trapped cesium Feshbach molecules,
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[16]Control of the interaction in a Fermi-Bose mixture,
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[15]Feshbach spectroscopy of a K-Rb atomic mixture,
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[14]Atom interferometry in a vertical optical lattice,
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[13]Insulating Behavior of a Trapped Ideal Fermi Gas,
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[12]Radio Frequency Selective Addressing of Localized Atoms in a Periodic Potential,
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[11]Atom Interferometry with Trapped Fermi Gases,
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[10]Expansion of a Fermi Gas Interacting with a Bose-Einstein Condensate,
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[9]Collisionally Induced Transport in Periodic Potentials,
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[8]Mean-field analysis of the stability of a K-Rb Fermi-Bose mixture,
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[7]Production of a Fermi gas of atoms in an optical lattice,
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[6]Superfluid current disruption in a chain of weakly coupled Bose–Einstein condensates,
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[5]Collective Excitations of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of a 1D Optical Lattice,
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[4]Magnetic Control of the Interaction in Ultracold K-Rb Mixtures,
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[3]Dipolar oscillations in a quantum degenerate Fermi–Bose atomic mixture,
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[2]Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature in an atom-optical coherence filter,
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[1]Bose-Einstein Condensates in a 1D Optical Lattice,
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