PhD positions
@the Dipolar quantum gas group at the University of Innsbruck and Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), and
Openings 2024/2025
We are happy to announce our 2024/2025 opening for four PhD positions. We are looking for talented and highly-motivated candidates to join our dipolar quantum gases group ( at the University of Innsbruck and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information IQOQI-Innsbruck (, Austria.
Current openings:
- Exp-PhD@Er-Dy LAB
Theo-PhD@Theory Group
(Download all the PhD position descriptions as a PDF)
About Us
Our group, led by Prof. Francesca Ferlaino, is jointly located at the University of Innsbruck (UIBK) and at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Science.
We work with the exotic and highly magnetic Erbium and Dysprosium atoms, either in the ground- or in highly excited Rydberg states. The group comprises four research teams, three experimental and one theoretical. Our three Labs works on Erbium and Dysprosium dipolar quantum gases, Er-Dy mixtures, and Er Rydberg Tweezers.
Learn more about our research take a look at our website
Joining Us
It is now an exciting time to work with ultracold highly-magnetic quantum gases, driven by the rapid developments of quantum science based on lanthanide species.
Joining our team offers a unique opportunity to:
- Conduct experiments/develop new theories at the cutting edge of quantum physics,
- Engage in an exceptional international research environment,
- Collaborate with a global network of leading researchers and,
- Develop high-tech skills in electronics, photonics, programming, and data analysis.
If you’re passionate about discovering the unique opportunities ultracold lanthanide atoms hold for quantum physics, we encourage you to apply!
We are looking forward to your application! If you are interested, send an email to with subject line ‘2025 PhD Position application‘, including
- a C.V.,
- a letter of motivation,
- transcript of exams (Bachelor and Master), and
- names and contact information of at least one reference person.
The application will be considered upon reception until the available positions are filled.
Our group is strongly committed to ameliorate the gender balance in Physics at all level of the scientific career, we therefore particularly encourage applications from women. We offer a monthly salary of approximately €2,684.10 before taxes, based on the salary scheme of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Requirements for the PhD positions: A master degree or equivalent, including a research project (master Thesis or Internship) in experimental/theoretical AMO group is required to start a PhD with us. In case you do have not yet finished your Master degree or you want to acquire experimental experience in ultracold atoms look at our Excellence Fellowship program for visiting master students.
Experimental PhD position in the Erbium LAB: Quantum simulation with dipolar quantum gases of Erbium atoms
In this project you will create dipolar Fermi and Bose gases of Erbium atoms and to use them to study strongly-correlated lattice spin systems and spinor system. Moreover, the newly discover ultra-narrow inner-shell optical transition in Erbium (similar to a clock transition in alkali-earth atoms) will be used to access new regimes of control and manipulation for quantum simulation and quantum optics physics.
You will work in a team of two PhD students, one post-Doc, co-PI Manfred Mark, and PI Francesca Ferlaino. Moreover, you will collaborate with the other ultracold-quantum-gas groups in Innsbruck and a network of external collaborators. The Lab, located at the University of Innsbruck, is fully operative.
The candidate must already have proven expertise in experimental techniques, especially electronics, programming and laser optics.
Experimental PhD position in the Er-Dy LAB: Er-Dy dipolar quantum mixtures
In this project you will work with dipolar mixtures of Erbium and Dysprosium. You will explore novel quantum many-body states of matter, genuinely emerging from the long-range interaction between atoms. The experimental setup is in the process of being upgraded with a quantum gas microscope, which we have been developing in the last years. This will allow you to perform quantum simulations of long-range interacting solid-state Hamiltonians.
You will work in a team of two PhD students and one post-doc, co-PI Manfred Mark, and PI Francesca Ferlaino. The Lab, located at the IQOQI Innsbruck, is fully operative. You will collaborate intensively with the other experimental groups in Innsbruck and a network of external collaborators.
The candidate must already have proven expertise in experimental techniques, especially electronics, programming and laser optics.
Experimental PhD position in the T-REQS LAB: Er Rydberg Tweezers
In this project you will excite singly trapped Erbium atoms into their Rydberg states. We will explore the uncharted territory of Rydberg physics with lanthanides, which promises novel manipulation and detection tools as well as fundamentally new excitation schemes. Combined with the exceptional single particle control provided by Tweezer arrays we will investigate novel quantum many-body states of matter via quantum simulation using the strong and long-range Rydberg-Rydberg interactions. We will also investigate the possibility to encode qudits in the large groundstate manifold of Erbium and to realize quantum gates between individual qudits.
You will work in a team of two PhD students and one post-doc, co-PI Manfred Mark, and PI Francesca Ferlaino. The Lab, located at the University of Innsbruck, is already operative and started the investigation phase. You will collaborate intensively with the other experimental groups in Innsbruck and a network of external collaborators.
The candidate must already have proven expertise in experimental techniques, especially electronics, programming and laser optics.
Theoretical PhD position in the Theory Group:
The theory PhD position for 2025 has been filled!
The theory position has projects on the phases of ultracold dipolar gases in the bulk and in a lattice:
Bulk project: In this project you will investigate the quantum phases of ultracold dipolar gases using state-of-the-art numerical methods. In particular, you will solve the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii-equation including beyond-mean-field effects and finite temperature, which stabilize exotic quantum phases such as the much-sought-after supersolid phase. This project includes theory investigations of dipolar many-body quantum phases and the corresponding quantum phase transitions for single species and dipolar mixtures.
Lattice project: In this project you will use state-of-the-art numerical and analytical techniques to understand the behavior of ultracold dipolar atoms in a lattice, and explore their potential for quantum simulation. In particular, you will use tensor network methods to investigate the exotic quantum phases and anisotropic behavior enabled by long-range dipolar interactions. This project will allow us to emulate physics ranging from the extended Fermi-Hubbard model of solid-state physics, to gauge theories in high energy physics.
You will work in a team of one PhD student and one post-Doc, co-PI Manfred Mark, and PI Francesca Ferlaino. The theory group is located at the University of Innsbruck. You will collaborate intensively with the experimental groups in Innsbruck and a network of external collaborators.
The candidate must already have experience in numerical and/or analytical methods for many-body physics.