Welcome to Amal El-Arrach and Simon Gschwendter, who have joined respectively the T-REQS and the Erbium teams for their master thesis.
Center for Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases, IExP and IQOQI, Innsbruck
Category for the news related to new members
Welcome to Dr. Hagai Edri (right) and Julián Maloberti (left) who have joined the T-Reqs team as postdoctoral fellow and Phd student, respectively.
Beginning in July, Russell joined the University of Innsbruck as an Assistant Professor. He is building a theory group within the Department of Experimental Physics, with a focus on ultracold quantum gases, most notably bringing his expertise on dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. He is looking forward to working in Innsbruck and taking advantage of the beautiful surroundings.
After completing the Master’s degree in Heidelberg under the supervision of Prof. Weidemüller in the Li-Cs mixture experiment, Lauritz joined our team in February as a PhD student in the Er-Dy dipolar quantum mixture Lab. Welcome to Innsbruck, Lauritz!
With the beginning of the new year, Matt joins our team as Post-Doc in the Er-Dy LAB. After completing the Ph.D. at JILA (Colorado, US) under the supervision of James Thompson, he continued as a Post-Doc together with Adam Kaufman always at JILA. Welcome to Innsbruck, Matt!
With the beginning of the new year, Bing joins our team as Post-Doc in the ERBIUM lab. After finishing his PhD in Heidelberg (DE) and Hefei (CN) under the supervision of Prof. Jian-Wei Pan in 2015, he continued as a Post-Doc in Heidelberg. Welcome, Bing!