Category for the news related to new members
Welcome to Tanausú Hernández Yanes
Welcome to Tanausú Hernández Yanes, who is visiting us for 6 months. Tanausú is PhD student at the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFPAN) and obtained the scholarship NAWA PRELUDIUM BIS 1 from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange to work with us.
Welcome to Luca Barbiero
Welcome to Dr. Luca Barbiero, who is visiting us as LFUI Guest Professor. Luca is Asssistent Professor at Politecnico di Torino and will visit us for two months during October and November 2023.
We will work together on new ideas on how to use our experimental dipolar platforms for the quantum simulation of Bose- and Fermi-Hubbard models with strong dipolar interactions. He will also give a special lecture “Exploring quantum matter with ultracold dipolar systems” to interested Master- and PhD-students.