Welcome to Riccardo Donofrio, who has joined the T-REQS lab as a PhD student. Riccardo joins us from the University of Pisa, Italy where he worked with Professor Oliver Morsch for his Master thesis.
Center for Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases, IExP and IQOQI, Innsbruck
Category for the news related to new members
Welcome to Unai Trujols González, who is joining the ERBIUM lab for his Masters’ internship. Unai is pursuing a Masters at ENS Paris. He will join us for 5 months under the Excellence Fellowship for incoming Master students.
Farewell to Nefeli Ioli Sonnberger who joined the Er-Dy team for her master thesis in March 2021! Nefeli defended her master thesis on the 7th of February 2024 and is now officially a Master of Science – congratulations!