Welcome to Daniel Grün, who is joining us in the frame of our Excellence Fellowship for master students.
Center for Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases, IExP and IQOQI, Innsbruck
Category for the news related to new members of the Erbium lab
After 5 productive years in the Dipolar Quantum Gas Group, Lauriane Chomaz is moving to the University of Heidelberg as Tenure-Track Professor. Congratulation Lauriane! We wish you great success in your next adventure in physics
With the beginning of the new year, Bing joins our team as Post-Doc in the ERBIUM lab. After finishing his PhD in Heidelberg (DE) and Hefei (CN) under the supervision of Prof. Jian-Wei Pan in 2015, he continued as a Post-Doc in Heidelberg. Welcome, Bing!