Supersolids are fluid and solid at the same time. In jointly collaboration work, together with Thierry Giamarchi, theoretical physicist from the University of Geneva, we have for the first time investigated what happens when such a state is brought out of balance.
Theory Scientific News
Category for scientific news related to the theory group.
Supersolidity in an elongated dipolar condensate
Now in Physical Review Research!
Lauriane and Francesca, together with Blair Blakie and Danny Bailly (Otago University), theoretically studied the supersolid phase diagram of dipolar quantum Bose gases in cylindrical geometries. The work is now published in Physical Review Research.
Lauriane’s paper is now in PRA!
Congratulation to Lauriane Chomaz on the publication of her paper in Phys. Rev. A. In this work, Lauriane investigates the general relationships existing between the density contrast, the superfluid fraction, and the response to a high-energy scattering probe of density-modulated states within a classical-field approach.