Our review on the quantum many-body physics in ultracold magnetic lanthanides is now published in Nature Physics!
Take a look here: Developments in atomic control using ultracold magnetic lanthanides
Category for non scientific news
Supersolid observation chosen as favourite Phys. Rev. X paper
The American Physical Society’s high impact journal Physical Review X has chosen its favourite papers for its tenth anniversary. Among those chosen was the first observation of a dipolar supersolid from our group and the simultaneous observation at the University of Stuttgart.
Full article available here: PRX – Ten Years After
A new erbium MOT in the T-REQS lab!
After several months of preparations and setting up our system, we have produced our first ultracold atomic cloud of erbium atoms in our new T-REQS lab. After initial slowing down in a Zeeman slower with a broad transition, we trap and cool 166Er atoms in a 5 beam magneto-optical trap operating on the narrow linewidth transition at 583nm. We trap up to 120 million atoms and cool them to ~15 microkelvin in a compressed MOT phase. This is a first step on our way to trapping ultracold erbium atoms in optical tweezers.
Winter school applications open
Applications have now opened for the Introductory Course on Ultracold Quantum Gases 2022 winter school. This will take place in Innsbruck between the 9th and 11th February 2022. Please visit the website for more information and to apply.
Two-dimensional supersolidity in a circular trap
Dipolar condensates were recently coaxed into supersolid phases supporting both superfluid and crystal excitations. The first dipolar supersolids consisted of one dimensional droplet arrays, and a recent experiment here achieved two dimensional supersolidity, observing the transition from a linear chain to a zig-zag configuration of droplets.
In this work, in collaboration with Prof. Luis Santos from the Leibniz University Hannover, we show that while one-dimensional supersolids may be prepared from condensates via a roton instability, such a procedure in two dimensions tends to destabilise the supersolid. By evaporatively cooling directly into the supersolid phase–hence bypassing the roton instability–we experimentally produce a 2D supersolid in a near-circular trap, an observation verified through state-of-the-art finite temperature simulations. We show that 2D roton modes have little in common with the supersolid configuration, instead, unstable rotons produce a small number of central droplets, which triggers a nonlinear process of crystal growth. We calculate excitations for a 2D supersolid ground state, and make comparisons with 1D arrays using the static structure factor. These results provide insight into the process of supersolid formation in 2D, and define a realistic path to the formation of large two-dimensional supersolid arrays.
This work has been published in Physical Review Letters, and it can also be found on the arXiv.
Lifecycle of a Supersolid Featured in APS Physics Viewpoint and Physics World
Congratulation to Max, Claudia, Lauritz, Lauriane, Manfred and Matt for their experimental work
on the lifecycle of a supersolid, which has been just published in Phys. Rev. Lett..
The paper got selected as Editors’ Suggestion by APS and featured in Physics Viewpoint and in Physics World.
Read More:
Research News: Physics Viewpoint article by Chinmayee Mishra, entitled “Cooling a Thermal Cloud to a Supersolid”.
Research News: Physics World article by Oliver Stockdale, entitled “High-resolution imaging sheds light on supersolid formation”
Birth, Life, and Death of a Dipolar Supersolid
Maximilian Sohmen, Claudia Politi, Lauritz Klaus, Lauriane Chomaz, Manfred J. Mark, Matthew A. Norcia, and Francesca Ferlaino
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 233401 (2021)
Published June 7, 2021