Supersolid observation chosen as favourite Phys. Rev. X paper

Image copyright: APS/Alan Stonebraker

The American Physical Society’s high impact journal Physical Review X has chosen its favourite papers for its tenth anniversary. Among those chosen was the first observation of a dipolar supersolid from our group and the simultaneous observation at the University of Stuttgart.

Full article available here: PRX – Ten Years After

A new erbium MOT in the T-REQS lab!

After several months of preparations and setting up our system, we have produced our first ultracold atomic cloud of erbium atoms in our new T-REQS lab. After initial slowing down in a Zeeman slower with a broad transition, we trap and cool 166Er atoms in a 5 beam magneto-optical trap operating on the narrow linewidth transition at 583nm. We trap up to 120 million atoms and cool them to ~15 microkelvin in a compressed MOT phase. This is a first step on our way to trapping ultracold erbium atoms in optical tweezers.

Two-dimensional supersolidity in a circular trap

Figure: Experimental realisation of a two-dimensional seven droplet hexagon state. (a) In-situ image of density profile. (b) Image after 36 ms time-of-flight expansion. (c,d) Corresponding theory result for the same trap. In (d), the time-of-flight expansion is estimated by a Fourier transform of the wavefunction.

Dipolar condensates were recently coaxed into supersolid phases supporting both superfluid and crystal excitations. The first dipolar supersolids consisted of one dimensional droplet arrays, and a recent experiment here achieved two dimensional supersolidity, observing the transition from a linear chain to a zig-zag configuration of droplets.

In this work, in collaboration with Prof. Luis Santos from the Leibniz University Hannover, we show that while one-dimensional supersolids may be prepared from condensates via a roton instability, such a procedure in two dimensions tends to destabilise the supersolid. By evaporatively cooling directly into the supersolid phase–hence bypassing the roton instability–we experimentally produce a 2D supersolid in a near-circular trap, an observation verified through state-of-the-art finite temperature simulations. We show that 2D roton modes have little in common with the supersolid configuration, instead, unstable rotons produce a small number of central droplets, which triggers a nonlinear process of crystal growth. We calculate excitations for a 2D supersolid ground state, and make comparisons with 1D arrays using the static structure factor. These results provide insight into the process of supersolid formation in 2D, and define a realistic path to the formation of large two-dimensional supersolid arrays.


This work has been published in Physical Review Letters, and it can also be found on  the arXiv.

Lifecycle of a Supersolid Featured in APS Physics Viewpoint and Physics World

Congratulation to Max, Claudia, Lauritz, Lauriane, Manfred and Matt for their experimental work

on the lifecycle of a supersolid, which has been just published in Phys. Rev. Lett..

The paper got selected as Editors’ Suggestion by APS and featured in Physics Viewpoint and in Physics World.

Read More:

Research News: Physics Viewpoint article by Chinmayee Mishra, entitled  “Cooling a Thermal Cloud to a Supersolid”.

Research News: Physics World article by Oliver Stockdale, entitled “High-resolution imaging sheds light on supersolid formation


Birth, Life, and Death of a Dipolar Supersolid

Maximilian Sohmen, Claudia Politi, Lauritz Klaus, Lauriane Chomaz, Manfred J. Mark, Matthew A. Norcia, and Francesca Ferlaino

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 233401 (2021)

Published June 7, 2021