Francesca wins Science Prize from Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation

Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation award ceremony – 24 January 2024

Francesca was awarded the Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation’s Science Prize for exceptional research achievements on the 24th of January 2024 . These awards recognize outstanding scientific achievements by scientists working at the University of Innsbruck.


Vice-Rector Bernhard Fügenschuh and the President of the Foundation Konrad Bergmeister alongside Prize Science winners Hannes Pichler and Francesca Ferlaino.
Vice-Rector Bernhard Fügenschuh and the President of the Foundation Konrad Bergmeister alongside Science Prize winners Hannes Pichler and Francesca Ferlaino.

TIQIT 2024

18-24.2.2024. The Trento-Innsbruck Quantum Information Tour is happening again next year, see full details in our events page!!

LFUI Guest Professorship granted

Luca Barbiero
Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Our group is very happy to announce that Dr. Luca Barbiero, currently Asssistent Professor at Politecnico di Torino, will visit us for a LFUI Guest Professorship for two months during October and November 2023. During his stay we will together work on new ideas on how to use our experimental dipolar platforms for the quantum simulation of Bose- and Fermi-Hubbard models with strong dipolar interactions. He will also give a special lecture on equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of dipolar lattice systems to interested Master- and PhD-students.