We have created for the first time a dipolar quantum mixture by combining two highly magnetic atomic species, Erbium and Dysprosium. The experiment has been conducted in the RARE Lab and we observe simultaneous quantum degeneracy of 5 Bose-Bose mixture and a Bose-Fermi one.
Category for non scientific news
First strongly interacting dipolar Fermi gas!
Now in Physical Review Letter!
In our Erbium experiment, we have created the first two component dipolar Fermi gas with tunable interactions. This paves the way to studies of BEC-BCS physics in presence of an unprecedented few-body scattering scenario, including anisotropic long-range dipolar interactions and anisotropic short-range interactions.
Ground state of an ultracold Fermi gas of tilted dipoles in elongated traps
In collaboration with our theory colleagues from Serbia (Antun Balaž, Vladimir Veljic), Germany (Axel Pelster) and Brazil (Aristeu R. P. Lima), we have investigated the ground-state properties of dipolar Fermi gases, extending the current understanding to the case of arbitrary dipole orientation and trapping geometries.