Beginning in July, Russell joined the University of Innsbruck as an Assistant Professor. He is building a theory group within the Department of Experimental Physics, with a focus on ultracold quantum gases, most notably bringing his expertise on dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. He is looking forward to working in Innsbruck and taking advantage of the beautiful surroundings.
Category for non scientific news
ESQ Postdoc Fellowship awarded to Matthew
Lauriane Chomaz becomes member of the New Journal of Physics Editorial Board
Since May 15th 2020, Lauriane has joined the Editorial Board of New Journal of Physics (NJP). NJP is a scientific journal publishing important new research with significance across a broad readership.
Lattice-confined dipolar fermions exchange spin d.o.f. !
Now in Physical Review Research!
In joint theoretical and experimental work with our theory colleagues A.-M. Rey (JILA) and B. Zhu (ITAMP) we investigate dipolar induced magnetization-conserving spin exchange dynamics with fermionic Er in a 3D optical lattice. Our work is now published in Physical Review Research.