Goodbye to Lauriane

After 5 productive years in the Dipolar Quantum Gas Group, Lauriane Chomaz is moving to the University of Heidelberg as Tenure-Track Professor. Congratulation Lauriane! We wish you great success in your next adventure in physics

Phase coherence in out-of-equilibrium supersolid states of ultracold dipolar atoms

Now in Nature Physics!

Supersolids are fluid and solid at the same time. In jointly collaboration work, together with Thierry Giamarchi, theoretical physicist from the University of Geneva, we have for the first time investigated what happens when such a state is brought out of balance.

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Welcome to Tom

Welcome to Tom, who has joined the Theory team as PostDoc. Tom joined us from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics of the Newcastle University. In his PhD, he studied the dynamics and stability of nonlinear waves in quantum fluids exhibiting long-range interactions.