Welcome to Arfor, who has joined the Erbium team as PhD Student. Arfor joined us from the Université Paris-Saclay and the Ecole Normale Superieure where he worked for his master thesis under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Bourdel.
Center for Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases, IExP and IQOQI, Innsbruck
Russell has been awarded one of only six ESQ Discovery Project grants this year. The Discovery Programme supports new ideas and innovative research that go beyond traditional thinking.
After 5 productive years in the Dipolar Quantum Gas Group, Arno Trautmann is moving to the University of Tübingen as post-doc in the group of Professor Christian Groß. We wish you great success in your next adventure in physics
Farwell to Daniel Petter and Philipp Ilzhöfer, who obtained their PhD toward the end of 2020 and are now heading for new challanges. We wish you every success in your future life!