Silvia Bonazza
Welcome to Hagai and Julián @ T-Reqs lab
Welcome to Dr. Hagai Edri (right) and Julián Maloberti (left) who have joined the T-Reqs team as postdoctoral fellow and Phd student, respectively.
Lauriane’s paper is now in PRA!
Congratulation to Lauriane Chomaz on the publication of her paper in Phys. Rev. A. In this work, Lauriane investigates the general relationships existing between the density contrast, the superfluid fraction, and the response to a high-energy scattering probe of density-modulated states within a classical-field approach.
Er-Team hike to the Meissner Haus
On July 23th, the Erbium Team was hiking to the Meissner Haus near Innsbruck to get together for a discussion day.
Welcome to Russell Bisset
Beginning in July, Russell joined the University of Innsbruck as an Assistant Professor. He is building a theory group within the Department of Experimental Physics, with a focus on ultracold quantum gases, most notably bringing his expertise on dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. He is looking forward to working in Innsbruck and taking advantage of the beautiful surroundings.