Arfor and Elena win the DK ALM Science Slam 2024!

Congratulations to Arfor and Elena who, along with Alberto from the Grimm group, were crowned the winners of the DK ALM Science Slam 2024!  In a 6-minute skit entitled “Theoretical Dreams, Experimental Realities: How to combine them?”, they showed how experimentalists and theorists work together to make new scientific discoveries! 🔬⚛️

DK-ALM (Doctoral Programme (Doktoratskolleg) Atoms, Light, and Molecules) is a collaborative programme funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) that provides research and training for excellent national and international students. The 2024 Science Slam took place in front of a sold-out crowd at Treibhaus  and was hosted by Bernhard Weingartner, a science slam professional.


Welcome to Clément

Welcome to Clément Caille, who is joining the ERBIUM DYSPROSIUM lab for his Masters’ internship. Clément is pursuing a Masters at ENS – Paris Saclay. He will join us for 4 months implementing optical lattices for our Quantum Gas Microscope.

Francesca receives the Order of the Star of Italy (Ordine della Stella d’Italia)










Photo credit: Italian Embassy in Vienna

On the 14 of April 2024, Francesca received the Grade of honor “Commendatore – Ordine della Stella d’Italia” at the Italian Embassy in Vienna by the Ambassador Pugliese.  The Order of the Star of Italy is appointed by the Italian President, upon proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs after consulting the Council of the Order. You can read more about the honour here.





Goodbye to Amal

We bade farewell to Amal El Arrach on the 15th of April 2024, when she defended her master thesis – congratulations! Amal conducted her research in the T-REQS lab, which she joined in the Fall of 2020.



Launch of Atom*innen: online platform to empower and support women in physics

Photo credit: ÖAW/Elia Zilberberg

Atom*innen, the brainchild of group leader Francesca Ferlaino, grew from the need for an online, user-interactive platform for women in (quantum) physics. Today, the project has taken form, with the aim of providing a focal point to:

  • inform with data on gender equality in physics to understand where we stand and what still has to be done,
  • support women with the information about fundings, prizes, associations, job offers etc,
  • empower women and girls by featuring role models and,
  • connect women in physics.

We are delighted to announce the launch of atom*innen: Networking for women in physics on the International Day for Quantum Physics (14th of April 2024). Why that date? Because we want people to understand that gender equality is everyone’s fight.  The in-person launch event took place in Wien on the 11th of April 2024, attended by the Federal Minister for Women, Family, Youth and Integration Susanne Raab.

You can learn more about Atom*innen here, and you can read the UIBK press release here.



