Our 2024 Summer BBQ took place on the 24th of June and celebrated the many different achievements of the group!
Pramodh Yapa
Elena wins the UIBK Best Student Paper Award!
Congratulations to Elena for winning the UIBK Best Student Paper Award in the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics! This prize was awarded for her paper, “Glitches in Rotating Supersolids” published in the journal Physical Review Letters. You can find a general overview of this research about the connection between glitches in the supersolid and neutron stars in our writeup, and the press releases by UIBK and Phys.org.
The ceremony for this award took place on Friday, June 28, 2024 in the Auditorium, at Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck. You can find more details about the ceremony and the other award winners here: https://www.uibk.ac.at/de/events/info/2024/sommerfestakt-vizerektorat-fuer-forschung.
Arfor wins the Early Stage Funding grant!
Congratulations to Arfor for winning the UIBK Early Stage Funding grant! This grant is awarded to doctoral candidates and recent graduates of UIBK doctoral programmes to carry out an independent, small research project at the beginning of their academic career.
Andrea L. awarded PhD Thesis prize
Andrea Litvinov, postdoc in the Er-Dy lab, has won the 2024 USPN Thesis Prize for his thesis “Manipulation of nuclear spins of strontium 87 in degenerate Fermi gases in SU(N) symmetry”. Andrea completed his PhD at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord under the direction of Bruno Laburthe-Tolra and Olivier Gorceix, and co-supervised by Martin Robert de Saint Vincent. Congratulations Andrea!
You can find more information about 2024 USPN Thesis Prizes here: https://erasme.univ-paris13.fr/laureats-des-prix-de-these-uspn-2024/
Dr. Matthew Norcia, former postdoc in the Er-Dy LAB, wins IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in AMO Physics!

Congratulations to former postdoc in the Er-Dy LAB, Dr. Matthew Norcia, who was awarded the IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize In Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 2024. Dr. Norcia was presented this award “for his seminal contributions to cavity-QED, optical tweezers, and dipolar quantum gases, specifically, the realization of an optical tweezer clock and of two dimensional supersolids in dipolar quantum gases”.