We are currently designing and building a new experimental apparatus to study Rydberg states of multi-valence electrons.
Using our strong experience from the ERBIUM and the RARE experiments, we will set up a similar apparatus exploiting a transversal cooling chamber, Zeeman-slower, and a main chamber with a 5-beam MOT. The main chamber will also feature a versatile electric-field control to provide precise control over the Rydberg atoms.
Rydberg states in multi-electron atoms
Rydberg atoms are well-known for their exaggerated properties, especially their strong long-range interaction due to their extremely large dipole moment. In recent years, tremendous progress has been made, in both experimental as well as theoretical work, in studying their properties and first applications for quantum simulation. However, most of these studies concentrate on single- or two-electron systems like alkali, alkaline-earth or alkaline-earth-like atomic species. We will extend the studies to a new class of atomic complexity by investigating the multi-electron atom erbium.
A full list of the T-REQS Lab Publications can be found here.
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Lab news
At the beginning of March, we welcomed three Masters' interns to the 3 experimental labs! Rémy Dolbeault, Julius Franze and Marco Lucibello will be working in the Erbium, Er-Dy and T-REQS labs respectively for the next few months.
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We said adieu to our Masters Intern, Felix Borchers, at the end of February!
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Now published in the journal “Physical Review Letters”, and featured in Physics Magazine as an Editors' Suggestion! The T-REQS Lab presents the first successful trapping of single erbium atoms in an array of optical tweezers, marking a significant milestone in the use of erbium for quantum simulation.
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We said goodbye to Academy Scientist Andrea Di Carli at the end of October 2024!
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Felix Borchers joins us in the T-REQS lab for 5 months as a Masters Intern! Welcome to the group, Felix!
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At the beginning of October, Arina Tashchilina joined our team as a Post-Doc in the T-REQS lab. Welcome to Innsbruck, Arina!
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Lab Team
Francesca Ferlaino, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Group Leader / PI
Manfred Mark, Dr.
Senior Scientist / Research Assistant
Arina Tashchilina, Dr.
Daniel Schneider Grün, MSc.
PhD Student (T-Reqs)
Riccardo Donofrio, MSc.
PhD Student (T-Reqs)
Gerard Solà Berga, MSc.
PhD Student (T-Reqs)