AT’s Short Profile

I was born in Moscow, Russia, and ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist. I used to picture myself working in a basement lab, wearing a lab coat. To make this dream come true, I graduated from MSU with honors and completed the equivalent of a master’s degree under the supervision of Prof. A. Zheltikov.

My scientific interests in atomic physics and quantum optics began to take shape during my PhD at the University of Calgary. After defending my thesis, I continued working with neutral atoms, specifically in ultracold condensed states. For three and a half years, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Prof. L. LeBlanc. During that time, I worked on quantum computing gates using Rubidium atoms and also gave birth to my daughter.

As I progressed in my career, I developed an interest in building quantum computing platforms for quantum simulations, which led me to join F. Ferlaino group, where I now work with Erbium tweezer arrays.

If you want to find more about me, you can check my webpage: Arina in Physics.

AT’s CV at Glance

October 2024 – Present Post-doctoral fellow in the group of Prof. F. Ferlaino at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Innsbruck, Austria.
2020 – 2024 Post-doctoral fellow at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Prof. L. LeBlanc.
2014 – 2020 PhD at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Prof. B. Sanders and Prof. A. Lvovsky. Thesis title: Two-mode squeezing in a cold atomic ensemble.
2006 – 2012 BSc and MSc at Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia under the supervision of Prof. Aleksey Zheltikov. Thesis title: Solving NLSE in order to find eigenmodes of multicore photonic-crystal fiber.

ATY’s Other Publications

[10]Investigation of Floquet engineered non-Abelian geometric phase for holonomic quantum computing,
Logan W Cooke, Arina Tashchilina, Mason Protter, Joseph Lindon, Tian Ooi, Frank Marsiglio, Joseph Maciejko, Lindsay J LeBlanc,
Physical Review Research, 6, 013057, 2024. [more] [pdf]
[9]High-dimensional reinforcement learning for optimization and control of ultracold quantum gases,
Nicholas Milson, Arina Tashchilina, Tian Ooi, Anna Czarnecka, Zaheen F Ahmad, Lindsay J LeBlanc,
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 4, 045057, 2023. [more] [pdf]
[8]Complete unitary qutrit control in ultracold atoms,
Joseph Lindon, Arina Tashchilina, Logan W Cooke, Lindsay J LeBlanc,
Physical Review Applied, 19, 034089, 2023. [more] [pdf]
[7]Broadband quantum memory in a cavity via zero spectral dispersion,
ES Moiseev, Arina Tashchilina, SA Moiseev, Barry C Sanders,
New Journal of Physics, 23, 063071, 2021. [more] [pdf]
[6]Darkness of two-mode squeezed light in __MATH0__-type atomic system,
ES Moiseev, Arina Tashchilina, SA Moiseev, AI Lvovsky,
New Journal of Physics, 22, 013014, 2020. [more] [pdf]
[5]Two-mode squeezing in cold atomic ensembles,
Arina Tashchilina, Barry Sanders, Evgeny Moiseev, Alexander Lvovsky, Sergey Moiseev, Xianxin Guo,
2019. [more] [pdf]
[4]Far-field linear optical superresolution via heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator mode,
Fan Yang, Arina Tashchilina, Eugene S Moiseev, Christoph Simon, Alexander I Lvovsky,
Optica, 3, 1148-1152, 2016. [more] [pdf]
[3]Multiwatt octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in multicore photonic-crystal fiber,
Xiao-hui Fang, Ming-lie Hu, Li-li Huang, Lu Chai, Neng-li Dai, Jin-yan Li, A Yu Tashchilina, Aleksei M Zheltikov, Ching-yue Wang,
Optics letters, 37, 2292-2294, 2012. [more]
[2]Photonic-crystal-fiber-coupled photoluminescence interrogation of nitrogen vacancies in diamond nanoparticles,
IV Fedotov, NA Safronov, Yu A Shandarov, A Yu Tashchilina, AB Fedotov, AP Nizovtsev, DI Pustakhod, VN Chizevski, TV Matveeva, K Sakoda, others,
Laser Physics Letters, 9, 151, 2011. [more]
[1]Nanoparticles in a nanowaveguide: Enhanced-functionality optical systems based on micro-and nanowaveguide structures doped with nanoparticles,
IV Fedotov, A Yu Tashchilina, LV Doronina, AB Fedotov, PA Zhokhov, DA Sidorov-Biryukov, MV Alfimov, AM Zheltikov,
Nanotechnologies in Russia, 5, 266-270, 2010. [more]